The Ultimate Guide to Energy Efficiency – How Your Washing Machine Choice Matters
Whether you’re looking for a new washer, dryer or both, it is important to consider energy efficiency. It’s not for the environment; b and reduce bills and a home’s carbon footprint.
Energy efficient washing machines might cost more upfront, but they pay for themselves with savings in water and electricity bills. This guide will help you choose the right washer for your needs.

The biggest energy demand from a washing machine comes not from agitating and spinning the drum but from heating the water. In fact, according to Energy Star, hot water wash cycles can consume up to 90 percent more electricity than a cold cycle. Modern detergents clean clothes in cold water, so use your washing machine’s cold-water setting whenever possible. Also, wash full loads, reducing energy use per load by lowering the number of cycles needed. Energy-efficient washers have many energy-saving modes and settings that adjust water temperature, cycle length, and other factors to save energy while thoroughly cleaning your clothes. These features can lower your energy usage and help you get the best value for your money on your utility bills.
Regarding energy-efficient washing machines, a few factors play an important role. First, the amount of water used during a wash cycle greatly affects energy consumption. The more water used, the more electricity will be needed to heat it. New-generation washers like Samsung use much less water than older models, which can help reduce energy consumption significantly. They also often run on a lower voltage and consume less energy than old models, saving you money on your electricity bill over a year. It’s also important to consider the time of day when you’re using your washer. Electricity costs are based on demand, so the price is often highest during peak hours (between 10 pm and 7 am). Try to do your laundry during off-peak hours. This will help to keep your electricity bills as low as possible.
A washing machine’s energy usage is driven by heat, but different wash cycles affect the amount of electricity a washer uses. For example, a heavy-duty cycle washes larger loads of heavily soiled laundry and requires a greater temperature increase than a normal wash cycle. This is why using the appropriate wash cycles for your load is important.
Also, it’s best to wash full loads of laundry whenever possible — but don’t overload the machine. Overloading will not only compromise the cleaning performance of your laundry, but it can also cause damage to your washer.
Finally, using cold water for washing is highly recommended since most electricity demand comes from heating the water. Moreover, many modern detergents work well in cold water and can substantially reduce your energy consumption.
Another way to save on your electricity bill is to run your laundry during off-peak hours if your energy provider offers time-of-use rates. Check out your energy provider’s website for more about their TOU rates and schedules. This is a great opportunity to be kinder to the environment and your wallet.
Whether your washing machine is in the open-plan living space of your home or the basement, it’s important to look for one that’s quiet. A noisy washer can interrupt your morning tranquillity or late-night downtime, but a quieter model can make the space around it a disturbance-free zone.
Washing machines display their noise levels in decibels (dB), with a lower number indicating a quieter model. You can also find models with anti-vibration features to reduce sound during the spinning cycle further.
You can find models that automatically adjust water usage based on load size and prevent overfilling. They may not have the highest energy rating, but they can still significantly reduce energy use by avoiding unnecessary consumption. When turned off, many machines also draw a small amount of energy, known as phantom power consumption. Try using a smart plug or power strip to cut this waste. Or unplug your washer completely when not in use. You’ll save money and help reduce the amount of electricity used by your appliance and other appliances in your household.
An energy-efficient washing machine will help you save on electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint. However, you should know that energy consumption is not limited to when it’s in use; your washing machine also consumes electricity while switched off or even in standby mode.
This is known as phantom energy, and it’s best to avoid unnecessary usage by switching off or using a power strip when not in use. If you’re on a two-rate or multi-rate tariff, you can save by running your washer during cheaper off-peak hours.
It would help if you also looked for a washing machine with a water-saving feature, as this will help you conserve precious natural resources. Some washing machines also incorporate a cold wash cycle option, which can significantly lower electricity usage by up to 80 percent. Other energy-saving features include load-sensing technology and optimized wash cycles that require less water without compromising cleaning performance. Adding an eco-friendly detergent will further contribute to lowering your energy consumption. Lastly, it would help if you ran your laundry when electricity costs are lower, which can be done by utilizing smart meters and time-of-use tariffs.
*Thank you for contributing this guest post to my eco friendly blog about energy efficiency.