Summer Reading Suggestions for my Boys

I am so proud of my boys. They came home at the end of the school year with rewards, certificates, & pleasing report cards.

School so far is ‘easy’ for them….as we haven’t had many issues academically. I’m waiting for the difficulties to start as they get older and the work gets harder. Sites like will come in handy!

They started off the summer full of ideas ~ crafts they wanted to make, games to play, even chores they were going to accomplish.

We raced to the local library to sign up for their Summer Program and ‘reading time’ was set daily in our house. They loved timing themselves and coloring in their spaces on their log. The first five hours were finished fast and the library’s bracket of awards dished out.


A slump is now here. Reading time? What is that? Our library books are sitting patiently on the desk waiting to be opened again. The series they were racing to get done are now at a stall. Are the books boring? The interest is gone.

I’d love to hear your ideas on books your kids like to read. My boys are 8 & 10.

Do you have favorite reads at your house?


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