My new Kitchen Buffet from Brylane Home
There is never enough room in our house. Room for all of our stuff that is. I know that I am fortunate to live in the size house that I do and still I don’t think there are enough spaces. I blame it mostly on not having a basement. You lucky people have a whole ‘nother house down there – don’t take that for granted! Gosh, I miss having one…not that I would trade the ocean for a basement. lol.
Brylane Home is one of my new favorite stores because they carry so much stuff and I just told you how much I love stuff! Are you going to ask me where all my things go? This is definitely a problem, but I recently got a little help.
A new Country Kitchen Buffet.
As Hubby and C’Man (with help from P’Diddy!) were putting it together, all I could think about was how excited I was to get more cupboard storage in the kitchen. I love getting new kitchen gadgets, but my oh my where do I put them? My cupboards are overflowing! Not to mention I had too many items gathering on the kitchen counter. This buffet is an awesome addition and I had the perfect spot for it.
What I didn’t take into account was that I was going to have more countertop space too! My ideas flowing through my head on what I wanted to put there was endless. A breakfast bar? A coffee table? Right now it is a drink bar for my concoctions. ha! My water filter and my kombucha/water kefir jugs were things that were taking up valuable space on my counters. No longer. I’ve set them on the new country kitchen buffet, out of my way.
As you can see it has larger 2-door cupboards with a shelf, then another smaller cupboard and two drawers. I’ve stashed coffee, blender/food processor accessories, water bottles in there so far. I still have more room and I know they will be filled by the end of this week. Love storage!
Brylane Home features different styles of buffets and I know there is a perfect one there for you! Another thought we originally had was to bring this to Hubby’s office for a display/storage case. Lots of options!

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Do you need more storage in your kitchen?
I received this product free for review and all opinions are definitely my own.