Know Where Your Kids Are with AT&T’s FamilyMap

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My kids are getting older. sniff sniff. They are going down the street to friends’ houses, I’m dropping them off at sport practices that I used to stay at, and I’m even letting my oldest stay home by himself for short periods of time. It was time to get a third cell phone, especially since we don’t have a land line.

A few months ago, we did it. We walked into our AT&T store and picked up another phone. It has been nice for the kids because they have conversed with relatives and a few friends over texts and it has been awesome for me because I can text to say Get Home Now!

 family map

I was just introduced to the new AT&T FamilyMap. A service that locates any phone in my service plan at any time.

While I can use my computer, tablet, or AT&T U-Verse TV to track them down, the easiest method is the FamilyMap app I downloaded to my iphone. With a click of a button I can instantly get a very detailed map with address on where my boys are.

Talk about safety! Makes me feel tons better.

There is also an option where I can get a text at a certain time telling me where they are at. Very neat.

We just started using the FamilyMap so I’ll update you in a couple of weeks on what we think!

Have you had any experience with the FamilyMap?


I’m reviewing this program for AT&T who is compensating me for my time. All opinions are my own.

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