Force of Nature Cleaner & Non Toxic Disinfectant
I am going to admit that when I first saw a picture of Force of Nature cleaner I was a little intimidated. I had to make this myself? I had to keep it plugged in? That looks like it takes up a lot of space? Here are the facts and my Force of Nature review. I’m here to tell you that Force of Nature is not only a great non toxic disinfectant but it is also easy peasy to use.
Plus don’t forget the 40% off discount code!
Table of Contents
1. What is Force of Nature?
2. How to Use Force of Nature
3. Unique Cleaning and Disinfecting Tips
4. How Does Force of Nature Look and Smell?
5. Can you Add Essential Oils to Force of Nature?
6. How to Buy Force of Nature Cleaner: 40% discount code

What is Force of Nature?
Force of Nature cleaner is a disinfectant and sanitizer with just 3 simple ingredients – salt, water, and vinegar. It kills 99.9% of germs with no bleach, alcohol, fragrances, dyes, surfactants, or preservatives. The technology is called electrolyzed water and can be used to replace most of the cleaners in your house. Use one spray bottle of Force of Nature instead of bleach, grease cleaner, window cleaner, stains, air freshener, soap scum, and multi-purpose cleaner for your everyday tasks.
Yes one safe, natural cleaner instead of many!
How to Use Force of Nature
It comes with a quick start guide and within minutes I had a new cleaner to try. Yes, I had to make it myself but these five steps look 30 seconds. And the size you’re wondering? I was surprised by how much smaller it was from my assumption by looking at the picture. It’s a 12oz spray bottle and the Electrolyzer can sit in the palm of my hand. I’ve listed the 5 simple steps for you.
- Fill the Electrolyzer with cool water
- Plug it in
- Add the Activator Capsule
- Press the button. (Then wait approximately 9 minutes for the solution to finish.)
- Pour your freshly made cleaner into the spray bottle.
You can now unplug your Electrolyzer and rinse it out. Decide if you’d like to plug it back in and watch the light ring in front tell you when it’s time to make new a disinfectant after two weeks. Or you can do what I did and write the date on the bottle with a dry erase pen. This way I could store my Electrolyzer out of site.
Unique Cleaning and Disinfecting Tips
There are hundreds of ways to use this natural cleaner. Most ideas are things you do every day – wipe down the counters, clean the toilets, mop the floor. Here I want to share some unique cleaning and disinfecting tips that maybe you wouldn’t know such a cleaner could do.
Soap Scum. Build up from the bath and shower. Don’t forget the grout between the tiles.
Grease and Oil. Bacon grease and car oil are the worst. Just let Force of Nature set for a few minutes.
Stains. Whether it’s a pet accident on your rug or tomato sauce on your clothes try it.
Deodorizing. In my house, this is for the sports gear, stinky shoes, and kitty litter box. Spray and leave.
Baby gear. Perfect for pacifiers, high chairs, sippy cups, toys, and strollers.
Wash Your Produce. A quick spray, 30 second wait, rinse and eat.
Fresh flowers. Add a few ounces to the water in your vase to last longer.
Your toothbrush? Yep give it a squirt.

How Does Force of Nature Look and Smell
As you can see from my photo the solution starts to bubble as it comes together in the Electrolyzer. This is the electrical current breaking apart the molecules. When the cleaner is done it looks like pure water again.
How does it smell? When the 3 ingredients are electrolyzed it forms a type of (non toxic) chlorine so many people say it has a light swimming pool scent. I agree. It’s not off-putting though.
Can You Add Essential Oils to Force of Nature?
I love telling people when they can add essential oils to their daily routines. For example, my post on Adding Essential Oils to Laundry has some great ideas on how to make your dirty laundry fresher. But Force of Nature does not recommend that you add essential oils or any other fragrance to your spray bottle because it interferes with the chemistry and efficacy of the product.

How to Buy Force of Nature Cleaner
Now down to the nitty gritty. How do you buy and try Force of Nature natural cleaner and non toxic disinfectant?
1. Buy a Bundle Kit to start. This includes the Electrolyzer Appliance, 5 Activator Capsules, and a 12oz Plastic Spray Bottle. You’ll find different size bundles depending on how many capsules you want.
40% off Bundles plus Free Shipping with Code: WOWCLEAN
2. Over time you’ll need more capsules.
You can order one time or Subscribe and Save for refills arriving at your home every so often. Free Shipping too.
3. Grab extras if you want.
16oz Glass Spray Bottles, Reusable Cleaning Cloths (biodegradable and compostable), or Trial Sized Bottles to take along wherever you go. Free Shipping on everything.
What will you use Force of Nature cleaner and non toxic disinfectant for first?
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