What People Won’t Tell You About Running a Half Marathon


*this is a guest post

Signing up for a half-marathon? Good for you! If it’s your first one, you probably need a crash course in what to expect. Talk to other runners, too. They’re full of advice from years of experience and they’re always happy to share.

If you’re delving into a new workout regime as a way to cope with addiction, that’s great! Just make sure you speak with professionals first, like the ones from newriverwellnesscenter.com. Exercise, leading a healthy lifestyle, and getting into new routines are are excellent when changing the way you live your life.

1. You’re going to get blisters. You’ll be training five days a week and blisters are unavoidable. Kiss your foot modeling days goodbye! Your toenails may split, too. You may be too embarrassed to still go for pedicures, but your legs will be in crazy good shape.

2. The treadmill is okay in pinch, but it’s not as good as the actual road. You need to learn how to handle running in different types of weather, like wind. It’s also good to be around other people to learn how to weave around runners. Treadmills don’t have those unexpected factors. Keep your gym membership, but aim to run outside whenever possible.

3. Add in extra time on race day. If just a few simple things go wrong, you could miss the start of the race. It’s better to be extra early than to be too late!

4. You don’t need music. Most real runners don’t bother with playlists. Most people like the public part of the race and don’t really want to disappear into their minds. However, if you’re in recovery and need to keep your anxiety levels down, music may help you focus and relax.

5. You need pockets in your running wardrobe. Yes, minimalism is great, but you need somewhere for a subway pass, car keys, and earbuds. Make sure your pockets zip so your items don’t fly out during your run.

6. Running is actually a team sport. When it’s just you and the other runners, you’ll need to encourage each other. You’re all getting to the finish line, after all. The point is to finish the race, not to beat each and every person you’re running with.

7. You’ll want plenty of water and a good nap after the race. You’ll be exhausted, so don’t plan for much else for that day. You may even want to take the next day off, too, since you’re likely to be sore.

No matter how much you read and prep, the best way to learn is through experience. You won’t make the same mistakes more than once!

*thank you for this guest post!

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