Modern Cloth Kissaluv Marvel
Modern Cloth…it has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I like the name and I like Heather the owner! Her story about venturing into this world of diapers is like many of us. A love at first sight. Or is it first touch? But she took it a step further and started a business and today we will introduce the Kissaluv Marvel.
When I was pregnant a friend of mine (who uses cloth) asked me if I’d considered it – which I had since my Mom had used them on my brother & I – but I had no idea how far they had come! Â I spent over an hour on the phone with her feverishly writing down all of these strange terms and humorous (but cute!) brand names…and felt completely exhausted when it was over!
I found myself constantly looking at other styles, following new releases & trends, talking about them with anyone who ever showed an interest when they saw us using them…and finally came to recognize the fact that I was already a cloth diaper advocate! Â When it occurred to me that I could help other families have the same great experience, and be able to support my own family at the same time, I jumped in with both feet and haven’t looked back since!
One of the things that Heather and I both bought after researching cloth diapers was Trial Packages & Newborn Rentals. I love these because it gives you a chance to try a variety of diapers, find out what works for you, and then return the ones you don’t want! Isn’t that a great program?
Right away you’ll receive your Rewards Points which in turn leads to future discounts and even free products!
Heather wanted me to try the OS Kissaluv Marvel AIO today to see what I thought! This diaper has the best of both worlds! It is an AIO because the insert is attached but you can stuff more like a pocket!

But the best feature? You don’t have to touch the inside insert to pull it out once it’s soiled. When it is being washed in the machine it magically comes out on its own to get clean. Then you throw it in the dryer for fast drying! Couldn’t be easier!
And you know how I love cute colorful diapers ~ well this diaper doesn’t come in prints but it still has a look I have never seen before. The inside of the diaper is a different color that compliments the outside. Fun!

Heather also had me try “A Miracle in a Tube” or better known as CJ BUTTer
- eczema
- rashes (diaper rash & it’s cloth diaper safe!)
- dry/chapped skin
- rug burns (sore crawler knees)
- mechanics hands and cuticles
- hang nails
- rub a small amount on your hands and use as a leave-in conditioner for your curls
I used it on both baby’s bum and his eczema (where I tried to take pictures but they didn’t turn out so well) on one arm to see if I could see a difference and I could! His dryness was gone. It really does feel like butter and goes on wonderfully. Lots of yummy scents ~ I tried blueberry (yummm) but you may like Mango Sugar Mint or Coconut Lime Dream or more more!
I loved hearing about Heather’s crunchy features ~
- we used a midwife, birth center & the Bradley method
- I breastfed (and used washable nursing pads)
- I’m a Moby mama
- I made/make my own baby food
- We get regular chiropractic care – my daughter, too, and her first adjustment was at 3 days old!
- We cloth diaper – obviously! 😉
- I’ve recently become a Diva (lol) and pair the cup with reusable mama cloth as backup
- We try to be conscious of our environmental impacts, reduce, reuse, recycle, etc – and this includes my business… I use 100% recycled printer paper (and try to only print what’s necessary), I recycle ink cartridges, my business cards are printed on 100% recycled paper, my web site is hosted by a company that is powdered by wind, I just discovered some really amazing eco-friendly packaging that I’ll be transitioning to for shipping orders, etc.
Win a OS Kissaluv Marvel AIO ~ choice of color!
CJ BUTTer ~ your choice!
Good Luck!
Modern Cloth sent me a Kissaluv diaper for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own.