itti bitti cloth diaper package
There is some new diapers in town. Do you think we can make them feel welcome? After you read this feature, I don’t think you’ll be able to turn them away!
itti bitti is an Australian company that started in 2005 and has grown phenomenally, with itti bitti diapers now being sold in 25 countries and launching into the USA in March 2011.
Minkee. Just say that word and I get all excited. Minkee blankets are what two of my boys use for their blankies. Minkee mama cloth is what I use for my monthly. Julie, at A Year with Mom and Dad, even made me a minkee wipe to try! So you can see how ESCATIC I was to find out there were minkee DIAPERS!

itti bitti makes 3 different types of diapers & more!
One Size ~ from 8-44lbs
All in One and Snap in One ~ 3 different sizes
Fitteds ~ 3 different sizes too!
Wipes ~ Velour
Wetbag ~ a minkeeee wetbag!
What makes them truly unique (well besides the minkee!) is their inserts and extras inside the diaper we’ve never seen before. It looked like a big complicated system when they arrived at my doorstop the first day, but once you get it figured out you can’t help but say WOW!
We received two diapers. First the bitti d’lish (aio) ~ totally cute name huh?
It really is trim fitting, but the best feature is you can snap in MORE inserts for added protection! And since I received a size large it will last until around 37 lbs!
Next is the bitto tutto (one size) ~
This diaper has it all and you will never need another one. It is a bit bulkier but what do you expect from a diaper that maximizes as much space as needed with three inserts and easily adjustable snaps for growth.
I have to admit I was a touch worried…just a touch…about the absorbency of minkee. But underneath is a suede-cloth liner to keep baby dry and the soakers are made with super absorbent bamboo, or quick dry microfibre depending on which diaper you buy.
Overall, they are great fitting, fast drying, soft to touch, fun to look at, and something totally new and different for us cd lovers…yeah minkee! 🙂
oh, and I can’t forget to talk about the wipes ~ BIG 24cm square ~ lush velour ~ super softness ~ bright colors ~ LUXURY!
Do you want to try itti bitti cloth diapers?
Win an bitti d’lish & bitti tutto & a set of 5 BIG velour wipes!
(winner chooses boy/girl and size)
Good Luck!
itti bitti sent me 2 diapers & wipes for this review. I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own.