How to Choose the Right Bed for Your Kids
This post is contributed by Sarah
Moving from a crib to a big kids’ bed is a major milestone for any child, and it’s a big deal for parents too. Knowing when and how to make this transition can be tricky, and you might not know how best to approach the task. The good news is, help is at hand. The following guide should give you some useful pointers when you reach this important stage of your child’s development.
Know when to make the transition
The first step is identifying the right time to shift your youngster from a crib to a more grown up kids’ bed. There are no hard and fast rules about when to make this change, but most parents make the switch when their children are between the ages of two and three and a half. Each child is different though, and you’ll need to think about the specific needs of your little one when you’re making this decision.
One sign that your youngster is ready is that they have discovered how to climb out of their crib. Another is that they are simply starting to grow out of their baby bed.
Top purchasing tips
Once you’ve resolved to make the change, you’ll need to find a suitable bed. Size matters when you’re choosing between the different products on offer. Of course, the bed will have to suit the dimensions of your child’s room and it must fall within your budget. Bear in mind though, while larger kid’s beds tend to cost more, they can last your youngster for much longer, meaning they may work out better value for money overall. You can find great kids beds at big retailers like Tesco, that offer a variety of options and sizes.
You’ll also have to decide on a mattress. This sleeping platform should offer enough cushioning and support for your child’s growing body, and there are many different designs and fillings to choose from, including natural and synthetic versions. If your youngster has asthma or allergies, you may be best off opting for synthetic materials that are more resistant to dust mites and other allergens.
Help your youngster settle into their new bed
Most kids take a little time to get used to their new beds, but there are ways to make the process of transition smoother. For example, if possible you should position the new bed where the old crib used to be. It also helps to transfer at least some items of comfort your youngster used in the crib, like favorite stuffed toys and blankets, to the bigger bed. Also, try to stick to the same bedroom routine.
By following tips like these, you should succeed in getting your child used to a new bed with minimal hassle and stress.
*thank you for this post!