Holdens Landing Giveaway
Comfortable. Style. Luxury. The Cadillac of Diapers.
Those are the words I use to describe Holden’s Landing!
Just look at the craftsmanship! Wow! What a diaper!
Meet Bonnie, the mama embroidering those awesome lions...If anyone told me 8 years ago that I would be making a living designing/sewing cloth diapers, I would have said they were crazy.When I got pregnant with my son, I was checking out the cloth diapers.  The just weren’t what I was looking for, so I pulled out my sewing machine and started to make my own for him out of flannel. Things snowballed from there; it was so much fun to make the itty bity diapers and I joined a cloth diaper making swap group and eventually began selling them. Throughout the years I have tweaked my patterns, added different styles and embellishments and have ended up here!
I could sit here all day and show you awesome diapers that Bonnie makes…
When making a custom you have soooo many choices…
LOTS of fabric options
How do you want it dyed? Yes she does fancy dyes…
Turned & Topstiched or Serged?
Choose one of her 1000s of embroidery designs!
AI2, Fitted, or Bedbugs/Dreamscapes
She made a fitted diaper for P’Diddy. super adorable, soft, he never wants to take off diaper…
Made with organic bamboo outer and inner, hidden organic cotton fleece, snap in quick dry soaker topped with organic bamboo velour.
Is this a high-quality diaper or what?
I’m afraid to let him wear it and mess it up it’s so nice…lol
I let him run around for a bit because I love looking at it (and touching it!) but then it’s time to put on a cover.
The two snaps make it super snug and all the layers make it very absorbant.
Loved hearing about Bonnie’s crunchiness…I am accidentally/unintentionally crunchy. My family is very mainstream (I am the weird one; my mother calls me “Ma Ingalls”). I didn’t know what “crunchy” was; I didn’t know people did things in alternative ways. But when my daughter was born, I breastfed (I brought her to work every day and breastfed her in between teaching my class and my administrative duties) her becauseit felt right. I co-slept with her because it felt right. I made all her baby food from scratch, from real food, because it felt right. I was constantly made fun of, but I never minded. I decided to homeschool. I looked up homeschooling groups in my area and found one called AP Homeschoolers … I joined and looked up with “AP” meant – and could not believe that there were other people around who parented the way I did!
Another thing I want to tell you ~ FREE shipping to US/Canada ~ awesome right?
You can WIN a Fitted like mine! In Rustic color ~ love it? (RV $31)
It’s M/L ~ fits 15-30+ lbs
You heard me say she DYES all her diapers right? Soooo coool.