Happy New Year! What are your goals?
Happy 2013!
I think it’s easier to have goals if we write them down. So here I go. I’m saying them out loud to you!
1) Get my house organized. Clean out every closet, organize and get rid of baby clothes/items (waaaah!), & have a garage sale.
This includes using my I Wish I Was Organized Board on Pinterest. Actually, I vow to actually USE my pins on every board instead of just pinning everything and never looking at it again.
2) Continue my scrapbooking. I take and take and take more pictures and never do my scrapbooks. I’m going to go through and sell all of my paper supplies and go digital. I’ll be talking more about this next month, but love to hear from you if you digital scrapbook.
3) Eat well and exercise daily. I just signed up with eMeals. The Paleo plan. I not only want my meals planned for me, but I’m going to get the family involved. Everything will be laid out ahead of time on the calendar and the big boys will be taking a turn during the week to help prepare a meal.
I have lots of fitness ideas, but don’t have one nailed down yet. Maybe something for our new Xbox Kinect? Hubby wants me to do CrossFit with him! eek!
4) Get more crafty. I really want to learn to sew. I may try to teach myself or even a certain skill like knitting?
I also want to find a weekly/monthly project for the boys. Since we don’t use our crib anymore, we turned it into a desk. They love it! It’s their art area now…or maybe I should say mess area. 🙂
As for the blog? I want to write about all the above! It will help keep me accountable!
…and always hope to find new, cool, green, and healthy items to review/giveaway…
What are your goals this year?